
Posts Tagged ‘East London’

Several years ago, I was lamenting about something in my life and wondering if it would ever work out.  I was walking the streets of East London with teammates at the time, Henry and Maggie.   Henry in his normal brash manner told me either you believe , “ God is sovereign or He is not!”  Those words pierced my heart and changed my outlook regarding my Christian walk.  I walk in confidence knowing the God I serve and love has a plan that is much better than I could conceive. 

Today the senate will vote on the Healthcare Bill the house passed on Sunday and our nation will change.  I oppose big government; oppose the government making choices that should be left in the hands of American Citizens.  I want to believe our congressmen, senators and president really are looking out for we the people…but my confidence wanes.

I struggle, as I think about my fellow countrymen and women who do not have healthcare, or have inadequate coverage.  Living in the disability community this is not a black and white issue.  I have friends who’s lifetime limits have been met by the time their son was 4 and other friends who pay several hundred dollars monthly just to rid their bodies of urine and feces, something most of do for free!  So do I think healthcare needs to change radically, I do!  I want my friends and family to pursue life, liberty and happiness and be healthy, but I do not think through government is how we achieve these goals.

I dream of the day we as American’s stand shoulder to shoulder and really learn to care for one another, not because government tells us to but rather because of a relationship with a personal Savior called Jesus.  Today, I thank God for He is bigger, and pray he teaches us all to care for one another!

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